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Kacina Pfeiffer – Westfield Intermediate School (WIS)

“The coaching cycle has been great for both myself and my students.  It is wonderful to see them respond in such a positive way to someone who brings fresh ideas into the writing process.  I have always thought the best way to learn is to observe other teachers, and this can certainly be said for the coaching cycle.  I’ve been able to add new tools to my teaching toolbox.  Sometimes, all it takes is seeing someone else lead the charge to get a new perspective.” 

-Nichole Ferguson, 5th grade ELA


I graduated from Manchester University and spent the first eleven years of my career in Indianapolis Public Schools at a Spanish Immersion magnet program. While in IPS, I spent a year as a special education teacher before moving into a general education position teaching 5th and 6th grades. In 2016, I came to Westfield Washington Schools as a 6th grade teacher. For my first three years at WIS, I had the opportunity to lead the 6th grade ELA team as the Curriculum Collaborator. In 2020, I began as an Academic Instructional Coach at WIS.


It is so powerful to see teachers continually growing in their learning and the impact that has on student growth. Being able to partner with and think alongside ALL teachers at WIS while also getting to work directly in their classrooms with students is what I love most about coaching.

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