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As the nation’s largest scholarship program for caddies, we’ve helped thousands of hardworking young men and women get to college since 1930. Our Evans Scholars Program addresses the barriers to college graduation faced by students and prepares them for a lifetime of success.

The Evans Scholarship

Since 1930, when the first two Evans Scholars enrolled at Northwestern University, more than 11,550 outstanding young men and women have graduated from college as Evans Scholars.

The Evans Scholarship is a full housing and tuition college scholarship awarded to golf caddies with limited financial means. This year, 1,070 Evans Scholars are enrolled in 21 leading universities nationwide.

Evans Scholars are selected on the basis of strong caddie record, excellent grades, outstanding character and demonstrated financial need. Individuals who complete the three-summer WGA Caddie Academy program qualify to apply, and to date, 100 Caddie Academy graduates have been awarded the Evans Scholarship.

What does a caddie do?

A caddie assists golfers during their rounds. Responsibilities include carrying the golfer’s bag, calculating yardages, replacing divots, raking bunkers and attending the flagstick.

Why is caddying important?

Caddying is part of golf’s heritage and its future. It’s also a great way to learn the game of golf.

How do I learn more about the Evans Scholarship?

The Evans Scholarship is a full tuition and housing college scholarship for caddies. To qualify, you must have a good caddie record, good grades, demonstrated financial need and outstanding character.

Caddie Resources

Whether you’re a young person learning to caddie or a club member interested in starting a youth caddie program, we can help. With a full suite of caddie training materials and recruitment tools, we take a comprehensive approach to ensure the success of caddie programs nationwide.

Downloadable Materials

  • The Caddie Playbook: This is your guide to starting, building or perfecting your club’s youth caddie program. Experts from the WGA have compiled best practices on recruiting and training caddies, assigning loops, evaluating performance, promoting the Evans Scholarship and much more. (Download now)

  • Virtual Caddie Training: This new interactive training program introduces beginners to the various elements of caddying, establishing a baseline of knowledge before any on-course training is provided. (View now)

  • Caddie Training Manual: This 30-page comprehensive guide for beginner caddies is ideal for young men and women who want to learn the basics of caddying. You’ll learn the rules and procedures, find out how to build a productive relationship with your caddie manager and get some great tips on being the best caddie you can be. (Download now)

  • Caddie Training Video: This 22-minute instructional guide is designed to help beginner caddies, but it can also be used as a refresher for more experienced caddies. (View now)

  • Hole-Specific Caddie Plan: This alternate plan for youth cadying can be an option for clubs with smaller caddie programs. (Download now)

  • Forward Caddie Plan: This plan can be implemented at clubs where the use of carts is permitted, or where golfers carry their own bags or use pull carts. (Download now)

  • Caddie Exam: This 27-question exam contains multiple choice, true/false and matching sections. Many clubs use this exam at the end of caddie training. (Download now)

  • Caddie Flier: Display this poster in your club’s caddie area to promote the Evans Scholarship. (Download now)

Evans Indiana Caddie Scholarship Information Meeting

We invite you to attend the Indiana Evans Scholarship Selection Meeting. The session will be held via Zoom Webinar.

  • 2021-22 Indiana Selection Meeting – Zoom Registration Link

    • Thursday, January 27, 2022

    • 8:30 a.m. CST

    • We will provide a detailed schedule with finalist names ahead of the meeting

*Please click here to register and attend the Selection Meeting via Zoom. Confirmation and instructions to join the meeting virtually will be sent following registration.

This highlight and tradition of the Evans Scholars Foundation is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate our deserving finalists for the Evans Scholarship. Finalists interview for the full-tuition and housing college scholarship in front of select WGA Directors, Evans Scholars Alumni and generous supporters. We will be sharing our list of finalists, as well as interview details, ahead of the Selection Meeting. Please feel free to join us for any part of the webinar that your schedule allows. Note that all times are in Central Time Zone. In order to comply with COVID protocol, only select in-person invitations have been sent out to WGA Directors in Indiana. Thank you for supporting our future Evans Scholars! Check out the Evans Scholars Foundation Year in Review video by clicking here!

Questions? Contact Claire Fossum at 224-478-6280 or

*This information is all from Visit the site to learn more and explore how you to can become a caddie and apply for the Evans Scholarship, Indiana.


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