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Focused Attention Practices - Video 3

In this video, Dr. Lori Desautels shares calming tools for our brain. The strategies are for all ages and will help you to understand the science behind Focused Attention Practices. These strategies calm the limbic structures in the brain, so we can access the prefrontal cortex, where we do life. Dr. Desautels shares it best. Please enjoy this short video created for Westfield Families to support you during this unknown time.

Dr. Lori Desautels shares with us the science behind Focused Attention Practices in our third video. This video is for ages from our Youth to Seniors.

Focused Attention Practice Tools

Great resources to Print! Post where they can serve as a quick reminder of how to prime the brain and body to release stress and calm the nervous system! When Focused Attention Practices become part of your routine, they prepare us for healthy cognition.

Focused Attention Chart Part 1 - Presented by Dr. Lori Desautels, Ph.D.

Focused Attention Chart Part 2 - Presented by Dr. Lori Desautels, Ph.D.

Visiting Dr. Lori Desautels social media pages will provide you with insight into neuroscience, trauma, and adversity.

This picture provides a visual as we discuss the brain, Prefrontal Cortex, Amygdala, & Hippocampus.

Support for Westfield Families

To support our Westfield families, we will continue to serve you by sharing resources and working with partners providing you tools and strategies. We encourage you to visit

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Westfield - If you are looking for help or need assistance please visit


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