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Lunch Time!

Westfield Washington Schools' families, don't forget to load your student(s) lunch accounts! If you need assistance, please complete the Free & Reduced Application.

  1. Load your student(s) LunchTime account.

  2. Need assistance - Apply today!

  3. Lunch Menus - WWS Lunch/Breakfast Menus.

  4. 2022-2023 - Breakfast Price $1.70

  5. 2022-2023 - Lunch Price Grades K-4 $3.00

  6. 2022-2023 - Lunch Price Grades 5-12 $3.25

The school cafeteria is maintained as a vital part of the health program of the school. A well-balanced lunch is offered at a reasonable price for all students. In addition, an a la carte lunch is available for students. Lunch accounts can be accessed using Parents/Lunchtime. Parents will have access to viewing what purchases are made and the child's account balance all in real time.

The lunch/breakfast program is on the computer system that records when each child eats and keeps track of the money in his/her account. If your child packs their lunch and buys milk, the milk is charged to their account as an a la carte item. All charges will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Students will not be allowed to charge any a la carte items if their account is in the negative. Notification will be sent when negative balances occur. If account balances exceed $50.00, parents/guardians will be contacted by the Director of Operations. Any outstanding balance at the end of the school year will be turned over to collections. At that time a $10.00 collection fee will be added to the outstanding balance. At no time will a child be denied a full meal.

Students should enter the cafeteria serving lines in an orderly fashion. Reasonable talking is allowed during the lunch hour and students should remain seated during this time except to return their lunch trays. At all times, students should follow the directions of the cafeteria supervisors. Energy boosting or high caffeine drinks, such as Monster, Celsius, and coffee-based drinks are not permitted at school.

Breakfast is served daily. Students who ride the bus should let the bus driver know that he/she would like to exit the bus to eat school breakfast.

Any questions or concerns may be directed to the Food Services Director at 317-867-8060.

Allergy Guidelines

Our food service department will do our best to never serve products with the following labels:

  1. "Contains nuts"

  2. "May contain nuts"

  3. "Made in a facility with nuts"

  4. "Made with equipment that also makes nut products"

Manufacturers' labels are constantly changing, however, we will diligently stay up to date on the labels for your child's protection. Peanut and nut products are allowed to be brought from home. Children with a nut allergy may choose to sit at a "nut-free" table. The child with the allergy can bring two friends to sit with as long as those children have a nut-free lunch.

If you are ever in question of a menu item, please do not hesitate to contact your Student Nutrition Department at 317-867-8062.  Any questions or concerns may be directed to the Food Services Director at 317-867-8060.


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