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Sensations are physicalized feelings and they can identify "How" we are experiencing our world at...

This week's strategy with Dr. Lori Desautels is to begin to identify how you are feeling and sensing your body! Sensations are physicalized feelings and they can identify "How" we are experiencing our world at any moment!

As a class, family, or individually, identify a sensation and draw a picture of it! What color is your sensation? How big is your sensation? Where has it landed on your body? This is a great routine and practice to end or begin the day, at school or at home! Have fun with this and remember that when we can name our feelings and sensations and sit with them for a little while, they eventually will lessen in their intensity!

Support for Westfield Families

To support our Westfield families, we will continue to serve you by sharing resources and working with partners providing you tools and strategies. We encourage you to visit

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Westfield – If you are looking for help or need assistance please visit


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